How can I be so sure?

over the decades I’ve seen all kinds of people, all ages and from all
backgrounds turn their lives around thanks to hypnosis. When you use hypnosis
for yourself it improves confidence in all kinds of ways. When you use it to
change other’s lives it just blows you away. This is what I mean.

I first hypnotised someone to feel no sensation in a painful arthritic arm it
was an incredible feeling. When I first cured life long phobias quickly and
comfortably I was astounded. When I stopped hardened alcoholics from drinking
and even got a heroin addict off the stuff and back into mainstream life again
I started to feel angry that people could just associate hypnosis with

the aid of hypnosis I (and many people I have trained and worked with) have
helped severely depressed people feel strong and positive again. The rewards
and satisfactions are hard to describe. I’m going to take a stand against
ignorance and short sightedness around hypnosis and here’s why.
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