7 Ways to Soothe your Shyness

people instinctively know that they are missing out. Shyness equals lost
opportunities, less pleasure and fewer social connections. Shyness can be
crippling but there are tried and tested ways to make it a thing of the past.
I was fifteen I was shy. I recall an attractive girl attempting to engage me in
conversation. My shyness made me focus on me instead of her. I heard my own
voice but not hers and I thought about what I was trying to say instead of what
she was trying to say.
formula for shyness is “too much focus on the self” plus anxiety. To
make it even more unpleasant, sometimes when you are feeling shy you experience
physical sensations which ‘hijack’ your calm logical self.
pulse raced, my mouth dried up and I felt like the village idiot! I couldn’t
think what to say so I said nothing apart from making barely audible grunting
noises! Cary Grant eat your heart out! When I detected pity in her eyes (or was
it contempt, or boredom) I mumbled my excuse and got out of there. I hated
being shy and was determined to change it.
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